

A brief history ...

we offer trial membership
Interested in joining...
As a trial member you will be able to:
Attend the club rooms on our regular Monday nights (other nights / days by arrangement)
Work on the layouts and club projects (current layouts include 4 x analogue 00 gauge, 2 x D.C.C. layouts plus 2 x N gauge layouts)
Run your own stock on the club layouts by arrangement with the layout manager
Visit model railway exhibitions, as part of a layout operating team, or as a spectator in the company of other enthusiasts
Make use of the extensive club library, featuring books and periodicals on all aspects of railways and railway modelling
Call on the knowledge and expertise of club members to assist you with your modelling
Join in any club activities.
If you are interested in joining us then contact our secretary by going to the Contacts Page.
Officers of the Club
Chairman - Allan Stephenson Secretary & Membership - Chris Tungate
Treasurer - Chris Lush Committee Member - Peter Dibben Committee Member - Vacancy
Committee Member - David Markwell Exhibition manager - Peter Dibben

Established 1966
We have excellent facilities...
Warrington Model Railway Club is an active group of modellers who meet mainly on Monday evenings. We enjoy spacious facilities that allow groups to pursue a range of interests.
Currently a large room houses various 4mm scale layouts which are complets or in varying stages of construction.
Two smaller rooms contain layouts. One used by Warrington’s 2mm group who have a number of layouts which are regularly exhibited including their most recent, Glazebrook, a scale model of a local station on the Cheshire Lines route between Liverpool and Manchester.
Another room contains a developing DCC layout. There is a library room with a large collection of books and videos managed by our librarian, and there is also a canteen where members can meet for tea and coffee.
A quick overview...
Warrington Model Railway Club was formed in October 1966 by five model railway enthusiasts including John Wheeler, Bob Baxter, Harry Bradburn and Vic Hart who later had a model shop in Warrington. At that time membership fees were £5 per year and members paid 6/- per week. During the first 5 years or so the club had four different club rooms but eventually settled in some old staff living quarters of the Hill Cliffe Hydro Hotel from 1972 where they stayed until 1978. They then moved to a room at Burtonwood airbase where the club remained until moving to its present rooms at Walton Hall in 1985.
Very soon after the club’s formation it started to hold exhibitions and it’s first major one was held at the Parr Hall in Warrington in 1969 in the same year that that our long-standing ex-chair Ray Elwin joined the club. These exhibitions quickly became an annual event and were held at the Parr Hall regularly until 1983 when the exhibition moved to a new venue at Warrington’s Masonic Hall.
Since 1999 the exhibition has seen a few changes of location including the large Sports Hall of a local High School and for the last few years, the club has been fortunate to relocate the exhibition to beautiful and spacious accommodation at Warrington Collegiate.